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Dental Emergencies and Why You Should See an Emergency Dentist

When it comes to dental emergencies, time is of the essence. The sooner you get treatment, the better your chances of saving the tooth and avoiding a severe infection.

A severe toothache, swelling, or bleeding gums are all signs that you should seek immediate dental care. Emergency dentists are trained professionals who specialize in treating urgent dental issues outside of normal office hours. Contact Emergency Dentist Las Vegas now!

Tooth pain is one of the most common reasons people visit an emergency dentist. It can be caused by chewing on something hard, a mouth injury, tooth decay or infection. The pain can range from a sharp, jabbing sensation to a dull, constant ache. The pain usually begins in the center of the tooth, called the pulp. This area contains nerve endings, so it is very sensitive to pain. If the pain is severe enough, it can cause you to lose sleep, interfere with your appetite or interrupt daily activities.

Although tooth pain is a major issue, it doesn’t always qualify as a dental emergency. Unless there is a foul smell, pus or extreme swelling, it is usually better to see a dentist during their regular office hours.

However, if the pain is so intense that it cannot be tolerated or it interferes with your daily life, you should contact an emergency dentist right away. The dentist will diagnose the problem and provide treatment to relieve the pain. They will likely numb the area and drill into the tooth to remove the bacteria that are causing the pain. They will then clean the area and disinfect it to discourage further growth of bacteria. They may also fill the tooth to ease the pain.

If a person’s toothache is not immediately treated, it can lead to a serious problem, such as an abscessed tooth. This occurs when bacteria reach the inner part of the tooth and cause a buildup of pus. An abscessed tooth can be very painful and may cause systemic infections if not treated promptly. An emergency dentist can drain the pus and treat the infected area to alleviate the pain.

Tooth sensitivity is another common reason for a visit to an emergency dentist. The root of the tooth is exposed when the enamel wears away, allowing food and air to reach the nerve endings. This can be extremely painful, especially when triggered by cold or hot foods and drinks. In addition to numbing the area, an emergency dentist can offer other treatments, such as applying heat or placing a cold compress on the tooth.

Broken tooth

Teeth can break from a wide variety of causes, including chewing too hard or grinding and clenching your teeth. It is important to visit an emergency dentist if you have a broken tooth, as they are specially trained to handle this type of dental issue. In addition, they can quickly relieve pain and repair the damage to your tooth. They can even recommend tooth replacement options if necessary.

A cracked tooth is another common dental problem that needs immediate attention from an emergency dentist. This type of break can result in extreme pain and make the tooth vulnerable to infection. In some cases, the break may also expose the nerve. An emergency dentist can fix the crack by placing a filling or a dental crown. A more serious break may require a root canal and a dental implant.

If a tooth breaks or chips, patients should rinse the mouth with warm salt water and apply pressure to stop bleeding. A cold compress can also help reduce pain and swelling. In some cases, a cracked or chipped tooth does not hurt, so it is possible to wait until you are able to schedule an appointment with your dentist.

However, it is important to visit an emergency dentist right away if a tooth is knocked out or completely dislodged from its socket. The sooner you visit an emergency dentist, the more likely they will be able to save your tooth by re-implanting it.

In some cases, a tooth can break and cause infection without any pain or discomfort. This occurs when a crack extends deep enough to reach the pulp. In this case, the dentist will need to remove the infected portion of the tooth and then place a root canal and dental crown.

It is also advisable to seek emergency care if you have a broken tooth that does not hurt, as this could be a sign of a more serious problem. A knocked out tooth should be cleaned and kept moist in a glass of milk or saltwater until you can visit the emergency dentist.

Canker sores

Canker sores are small lesions that form in the soft tissues inside your mouth. They are usually a few millimeters wide and have sunken centers and reddish, slightly raised edges. They may appear in the lining of your mouth (labial or buccal) on its floor, inside your cheeks, or on the tongue. They are not contagious and generally go away on their own in a matter of 10-14 days. However, you should call an emergency dentist if they are extremely painful or don’t heal within 14 days. These spots are sometimes mistaken for oral cancer, and it’s best to get them checked out as soon as possible.

A sore that doesn’t heal can indicate an infection, such as a dental abscess or herpes. In these cases, an emergency dentist should be consulted. A dentist will drain the abscess and prescribe antibiotics or other medications to treat the herpes virus. Alternatively, you can use an antiseptic such as mouthwash or a 50/50 mixture of peroxide and water to clean the area.

The most common cause of canker sores is physical trauma, such as biting your cheek or scratching your mouth. They can also be triggered by stress, hormonal changes, allergies, food sensitivities, or nutritional deficiencies. For instance, if you have a vitamin deficiency in iron, zinc, or folic acid, you might be more likely to develop canker sores.

Some people can’t seem to avoid getting these sores, especially if they are recurring. If you have recurrent canker sores, you should contact an emergency dentist for advice. It could be a sign of an underlying problem, such as oral cancer or inflammation. If the sores linger for weeks, it’s best to see an emergency dentist right away because they might become infected. It’s also important to visit an emergency dentist if you have a sore that looks like it might be an oral cancer, since early diagnosis can help reduce the chance of the disease spreading.


A tooth infection or dental abscess can become life-threatening if not treated quickly. This is because infections that go untreated in the mouth can spread to other body regions such as the sinuses and the bloodstream.

The emergency dentist can drain the abscess and prescribe antibiotics to treat the infection. He or she will also recommend proper oral hygiene to prevent future infections.

An emergency dentist can also treat a variety of other mouth injuries, including mouth trauma from sports, accidents, or falls. These types of injuries can lead to cracked or dislodged teeth and damage to the soft tissues in the mouth, such as the lips, cheeks, and tongue.

Another common dental emergency is a gum abscess. This is caused by a buildup of bacteria under the gums where it can reach the roots of a partially erupted tooth. An emergency dentist can drain a gum abscess and prescribe antibiotics to cure the infection.

Oral infections can also lead to the formation of dental cysts and tumors. These are painful, swollen lesions in the jaw or gums. Emergency dentists can remove cysts and tumors to relieve the pain and discomfort they cause.

Tooth decay and gum disease can also result in an oral infection, which is called alveolar osteitis. It is a serious condition that requires treatment from an emergency dentist, as it can lead to bone loss and other severe complications. An emergency dentist can prescribe antibiotics to treat the infection and perform other treatments, such as root canals or extractions.

Infections can occur in the mouth as a result of poor oral health habits or certain lifestyle choices, such as smoking and diabetes. A dental infection can also be exacerbated by stress, a poor diet, or a lack of regular visits to the dentist. These problems can be prevented by practicing good oral hygiene, using mouthguards for sports, addressing bruxism, and avoiding excessive sugar consumption. In addition, patients should see their emergency dentist regularly for checkups and cleanings. The dentist can also provide preventive services, such as removing plaque and tartar buildup, which reduces the risk of infection.


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